Course curriculum

    1. A warm welcome from Brooke Sellas

    2. About this course

    3. Before we begin...

    1. The importance of conversational content on social media

    2. Writing conversational social media copy

    3. Engaging your audience through conversations for ROC

    4. Building relationships through conversations

    5. Analyzing conversational social media metrics

    6. Using advocates & influencers to boost engagement

    7. Final thoughts (and a little science lesson)

    1. More resources for you

    2. Before you go...

About this course

  • Free
  • 12 lessons

Course Reviews

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5 star rating

Right To The Point

IPEN ایده پردازان ارتباطات نوین

A concise, well described course to introduce effective and efficient strategy & tactics of building organic relationship with target audiences, every business(brand) need to consider to employ in the course of growth.

A concise, well described course to introduce effective and efficient strategy & tactics of building organic relationship with target audiences, every business(brand) need to consider to employ in the course of growth.

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Discover the power of Return On Conversation (ROC), starting today.